Cindy Hayden, Supervisor, The RTI Project

10 April 2019

April 3 – It’s been unseasonably rainy here. The locals can tell you which year it is that there was so much rain, 1988!

The rain has been accompanied by a lot of thunder and lightning which we have enjoyed from our apartment windows. As in so many parts of the world, too much rain impacts some people more than others. We’ve been mindful of the fact that not everyone is able to stay dry in these circumstances. We are praying for some dryer and sunnier weather even though there isn’t any in the forecast for over a week from now.

April 10 – Blogging about our experiences has proven to be more challenging than I anticipated. Each day is full of routine as well as new experiences. At the end of the day, as a somewhat slower processer, I need time to “check-in” with myself! What happened today? What was “that?” which I think I just experienced, saw, smelled, tasted, felt?

An interesting meal…

What happened today? What was “that?” which I think I just experienced, saw, smelled, tasted, felt?

By the time my head hits the pillow I’m filled up, at the same time exhausted and sleep comes so quickly. Then, it’s morning again and my feelings have hardly had time to catch up! So, one day turns into the next and I haven’t blogged!

Scene from a local shopping center

Today looking through some pictures I wondered if some photos might tell a story and maybe the words can wait!

Some benefits from the rain

Changing of the Guard

A Fabulous Meal

Life Together in Arab Lands