Steve Conway 

Steve Conway and his wife Beverly have recently moved back to Salem and are enjoying attending Salem Alliance. They have two grown children who attended youth group at SAC and now live in the Portland area, along with four grandchildren. Steve graduated from Simpson College and Golden Gate Seminary and also complete a Doctor of Ministry degree in 2000. He has served in a variety of roles with the Alliance: youth pastor, lead pastor, district staff member and intentional interim pastor. Steve enjoys fishing, golfing and traveling with his wife.

Steve Conway's Topics

TopicDescription# of SessionsCategories & Focus
Behold Your God “Those who know his name will put their trust in him.” (Psalm 9:10). We will be exploring the names of God to gain a deeper appreciation of his identity and character. In addition, we will delve into the attributes of God, both those he shares with us and those which are exclusively his. The aim is to enrich our worship of and devotion to the One who made us and loves us.

WIN Statement
Participants will expand their understanding and wonder of the magnificent God they know and serve.

Attributes of God
Finishing Well: Making Your Maximum Contribution in the Second Half of Life “The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part.” (Job 42:12) In this workshop we will explore together: Common characteristics of God-honoring finishers; Ways of reinvesting the deposits God has made in our lives over the years; Shifting from the “sage on the stage” to the “guide by the side”; Melding together being and doing, who we are and what we do; and Essential shifts in our attitudes and perspectives as we anticipate the future. This workshop is for people who want to be more in love with Jesus, more passionately committed to His mission and more sacrificial with their resources at the end, than they were at the beginning.

WIN Statement
Identify what God has deposited into each person’s life, with whom they could share it and how they could best pass it on.

Gifts - Spiritual & Personal;
Serving Others
Holistic Coaching: Strengthening the Soul and Sharpening the Skills of Others “The purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out” (Prov. 20:5). Mentoring pours in, coaching draws out. Coaching can take the form of casual, informal conversations or structured, formal appointments. We will explore the essential skills of prayerful three-fold listening and asking high-yield questions as we seek to be used by God to empower others to step into their unique, God-given destiny. Special attention will be given to the melding spiritual dynamics into the ministry of coaching. Opportunity will be given to explore your questions and peruse resources.

WIN Statement
Participants will be equipped to begin practicing basic elements of holistic coach within their circle of relationships.

Serving Others
Sacred Rhythms: Growing through Spiritual Practices “Train yourself to be godly” (1 Timothy 1:7). Growing toward Christ likeness entails exercising our spiritual muscles in the power of the Holy Spirit. This involves not merely trying but training—what we might call spiritual conditioning. Little by little we expand our capacity to experience God in new and deeper ways. We will be exploring together the process of spiritual morphing (2 Cor. 3:18; Rom. 12:2) as we collaborate with God through the exercise of spiritual disciplines or practices. The practices we will sample will include:
  • Solitude and Silence
  • Scriptural Intake
  • Listening Prayer
  • The Prayer of Examen
  • The Art of Slowing

WIN Statement
Participants will deepen their intimacy with God through practicing some spiritual disciplines.

Health - Soul, Mind & Body