Ross & Allison Collingwood 


Ross & Allison Collingwood's Topics

TopicDescription# of SessionsCategories & Focus
Discovering more - Becoming an Apprentice of Jesus Jesus calls us to discipleship. But that is more than following. He invites us to adopt his ways – to become his apprentice. This three part series will serve as an introduction to a transformational experience - learning to really know the God that Jesus knows. It will give group members a sense of what they might experience by engaging in the full 30 week Apprentice Series.

WIN Statement
The Group will be challenged with the call to a deeper walk with Jesus, along with exposure to the training that encompasses the Apprentice Series.

Who needs God This short series is intended to help us all better understand and connect with friends, relatives and peers who have de-converted, or walked away from faith in Jesus. Based on Pastor Andy Stanley’s sermon series “Who Needs God” we will confront some of the false narratives of who God is. As Andy says: “Who told you that is what God is like?” “Maybe, maybe you have the wrong god!” “What if the god you’re walking away from never existed to begin with?” For some it is moving beyond their “Sunday school god”, for others the “family god” has not stood up the rigors of education and life. Together we will affirm the God whom Jesus knows, who loves and accepts us.

WIN Statement
The group will wrestle with some of the “elephants in the room” – the false God narratives, while building an understanding of why so many have abandoned a faith in God. Together we will build a better base for both our faith and our understanding of others.

Hope & Healing