Logistical Notes Mr. EFL Answer Man

Mr. Assistant Answer Man Answers a Man

Dear Mr. Answer Man: 

Is there something I need to do before submitting my allocations for July? 
Perplexed in Peshastin
Dear Perp:
— Mr. Answer Man (generated by Mr. Answer Man’s new automatic voice-to-text email response app)

Dear Mr. Answer Man: 

Hello? Is anyone there?  Can anyone help me? 
Perplexed in Peshastin
Dear Perp:

— Mr. Answer Man (generated by Mr. Answer Man’s new automatic vo…

Dear Perp:
Hi, Phil, this is Dave.  Ron is apparently asleep in his chair in front of the TV after his sixth straight day of trying to keep up with his two grandsons.  I think he dozed off during that last Phineas and Ferb episode. I think I’ve disabled his automated voice-to-text program.  Let me see if I can help with your question about allocations.   
First of all – you have to wait until I make the allocations pages available. I haven’t done that yet.
Second, and more seriously – don’t start your allocations until your roster for July is complete. The allocations page is quite conservative and doesn’t respond well to change.
— Assistant Mr. Answer Man
Dear Mr. Assistant Answer Man: 
I guess I don’t understand how my roster is incomplete.  Ward (sic — should be Wade) and Montero got added–Thank you!  So everybody is present, even the ones we wish would go away.
— Perplexed in Peshastin
Dear Perp:
Sorry, I didn’t mean to say that I thought your roster was incomplete. It looks fine to me, even better than before. But I can’t tell what secret plans are lurking in the depths of Pear management. Perhaps they’re contemplating a last-second move that will win them the league. If that’s true, they need to make the move before starting the allocation page.
I mean, it could be true. I know that’s how Cottage management thinks, for example.
— Assistant Answer Man
Dear Perp:
You have to wait until Dave turns on allocations… oh, wait, I see someone has already told you tha… what’s going on here? Since when has there been an ASSISTANT Mr. Answer Man?!
You have a midnight tonight (Saturday) deadline  to make any changes to your roster (trades, further DFA’s).  Then you have until midnight Sunday  to allocate your players.
— Mr. EFL Answer Man